(Leonard Inkster, CMI)
January 14, 2017, 6:15pm
linkster has reported a post.
By his own admission, Mr Young stated that what he posted in the open forum was copied from the closed forum. This is a blatant violation of the message board rules, and a breach in the InterNACHI code of ethics.
Post: Poor attitude and bully
Forum: Canadian Home Inspectors
Assigned Moderators: gbeaumont, fmagdefrau, fcarrio, lkage, mkyriacou, jmckenna1, rromoser, sgilligan1, iniquette, bjones5, jramos, wwilson3
Posted by: ryoung7
Original Content:
This was posted on the closed forum. The attitude by one poster surprised me. He quested my post with what I believe are insults.
As well, he or she is the secretary of an provincial association I will leave nameless.
Originally Posted by ryoung7 View Post
Surprising the windows with curtains did not have condensation. Windows with coverings typically get hotter drying out, shifting or wearing the seals. Why does condensation appear on a window? Oh yes, warm moist air -cold surface! Warmer windows may be above the dew point hence less likely to has moisture if indeed your hypothesis the curtains keep the windows warmer in the fist place were indeed fact.
Now to be fare, the ambient RH, relative humidity throughout the home was not measured.
Dew Point was not part of the OP’s question.
Did you wipe the exterior and interior of the windows to be sure the condensation was inside? DOH!
Why would someone express that type of opinion. DOH?
I did not know this when I started inspecting homes? The OP has to start somewhere.
How many new home inspectors wipe both sides of the window?
Was the thermal window Desiccant strip worn, blistered or damaged? What if there wasn’t a dessicant strip? Not all sealed units have this!
I have been purposely singled out by the poster for grammatical errors. Desiccant is not spelled dessicant.
As well, if he or she knew about detecting worn seals they would inspect that area.
Now this is a reply quote from a member I will leave nameless. I am not breaking and COE rules doing so.
The OP posted:
My clients want to sign off today on this home.
All of the windows except the ones with curtins have condensation between the glass.
The windows are 8 years old.
They all operate properly and are in good condition.
I would like an opinion as to “lost seal”
if it were only 1 or 2 windows i may have thought that but all (not covered with curtins) including the glass doors.?
Thank you very much.
Lets bring this defect question to an open message board in hopes that the nameless bully will reveal him or her self.
I am perfectly at ease with posting my replies.
January 15, 2017, 3:24am
So sorry.
I could not help myself. :neutral:
See what bullying does in the organization.
If you wish for me to remove the thread just say so.
(Leonard Inkster, CMI)
January 15, 2017, 3:46am
So sorry.
I could not help myself. :neutral:
See what bullying does in the organization.
If you wish for me to remove the thread just say so.
“I’m sorry officer, I didn’t mean to commit the crime.
If I apologise and un-shoot my gun will it make it all OK again?”
Once a post is in the public domain, it is hooked by Google and other web-bots.
The damage is done, the rules were broken, the breach was admitted to.
The question is whether anything will be done about it.
(Marcel Gratton, CMI)
January 15, 2017, 4:07am
So sorry.
I could not help myself. :neutral:
See what bullying does in the organization.
If you wish for me to remove the thread just say so.
To late, so sad…Oh well, say hello to Wanda on Inspection News.
(Jim Mosiuk)
January 15, 2017, 8:32pm
You are wasting your time reporting this. Nick has allowed Cooke to do this twice now and will allow Young to do it as well. There is no real COE The rules are what Nick feels like at the time.
Just consider where the post comes from The Montreal Whack Job.
Now he can copy and paste that as well.