Porch.com: Every real estate transaction will have the "Buy Your Home Back" Guarantee

You on the right thread ?

Matt, who are the handyman services, are they local, do you have one in every location or can they pick someone and you pay them?

Like it or not if you use any of the companies Bob mentioned, there is a dark cloud over your company, even if you opt out. How can you possibly not think about the future of your clients privacy when your put in all their information and hit enter? What about when you log in…wondering if they’ll have locked you out unless you sign a new agreement allowing them access to everything? Personally, I’d suggest at least getting familiar with new software and scheduling means just in case.

Now why would an H.I. association be interested in making the home buyers experience better? This isn’t a home buyers association. All I see is a marketing tool to pander to agents for new guys that don’t know any better. I don’t see fee increases out of this. That would really help inspectors.

These leads are worth way more than what were being offered. WAY MORE. But by all means, feel free to be happy with that shiny new 5 dollar bill in your pocket.

Sorry won’t be offering any of this to my Clients. Haven’t and it’s just not going to happen. This is not good for our industry IMO.

I’m not a sour pickle puss that despises change for the better of our industry. This will taint our credibility as unbiased pieces of the real estate transaction. It waters everything down. Everybody in this industry wants to make a buck off what we do. Other businesses are no different. The issue is we are such a small profession that y’all can squeeze the juice only so much.

This is not the way to go. I am not going to be subliminally controlled or coaxed into thinking this is the way to go.

My client I broke my back for literally. My client I risk my body for every time. My client whom I respect their privacy. My client that deserves an unbiased home inspection. My client that can trust my professionalism. My business I built from the ground up that I control. My industry that I don’t want to see tainted. My association that I want to think about what the +*&% is going on?

I have no intention on relying on the good intentions of others to do the right thing.


Hey Jim, hope you are well my friend.
These are some great questions, unfortunately we all know they will never be answered at least truthfully anyway.


Any chance that Nick will see members do not want this and actually understand this is going to end badly ?

I worry about “free” this and that as free is never really free.

My real concern is home inspector fees may go down instead of up as this seems to be the real selling point of these companies. Everything is always free or on sale. That’s what I think is going to happen with the Porch/ Internachi thing, our clients will expect free stuff from us unless you can carve a niche as a special type of inspector. Skill will take a backseat to ease of hiring and free offers.

Well said Ray !!! and worth repeating.


Hi Jim,

Still fighting the good fight I see. :smiley:

Thing of it is the allure of precious homebuyer data is like a siren’s song that even the ‘best’ vendors can’t ignore… a golden fleece guaranteed to the one who can provide the sheep a proper vision of the hermetic principle of cause & effect.

“Give us the precious…” :mrgreen:

You’re right, Joe.

In the insurance sales industry, insurance companies are always “hiring” new salesmen to “train”. The process requires the new salesman to prepare a complete list of every friend and family member that he can think of and provide that list to his boss. Then, as a part of his “training”, the boss takes the new salesman along to watch him sell insurance to all of his friends and family. When the list of contacts has been exhausted, the new salesman is then considered “trained” and instructed to go out and develop his own leads.

Home inspection associations, through their partnerships with various vendors, encourage aspiring home inspectors to do something very similar. With the promise of becoming “successful” and “rich”, they offer free gimmicks and “benefits” to inspectors to provide to unsuspecting to home buyers that will “build their businesses” and make them “successful”.

By the time that the inspector discovers that the gimmicks and “benefits” had no effect at all on whatever level of success he achieved, the private data belonging to the home buyers he served has already been harvested by the gimmick providers and is being resold to others.

In the endless turnover of new inspectors coming and leaving the business, the market for gimmicks and “benefits” renews itself, perpetually.

Only the names change. The game remains the same.

Jim Bushart asks:

  1. I can’t. How would I?
    2 . I can only guarantee what I will do, not anyone else in the world.
  2. None. See my answer to #2.

InterNACHI’s “We’ll Buy Your Home Back” Guarantee - InterNACHI is already available in all states and provinces. It’s only the financial sponsorship from Porch that is being rolled out state by state.

Matt would be best to answer that one.

Questions for Matt.

Maybe ask Dan Huber or someone from ISN to come here and answer that one. I don’t know.

Sorry, InterNACHI is having it’s biggest month of the year for some reason: InterNACHI: Int’l Association of Certified Home Inspectors . Swamped.

Sorry, InterNACHI is having it’s biggest month of the year for some reason: InterNACHI: Int’l Association of Certified Home Inspectors . Swamped.

This has ZERO affect on InterNACHI’s Buy Back program. Our “We’ll Buy Your Home Back” Guarantee hasn’t changed one bit. Sorry you misunderstood that somehow.
