I am a red seal carpenter in B.C and I am wanting to leave the trade to enter the home inspection field. Hopefully I can get some answers to some most likely stupid questions.
Firstly would be wage. I would honestly figure that I would need to bust tail the first 3-5 years to establish myself and would not worry about working 6-7 days a
week. Would it be hard to achieve this in the current market under a company like pillar2post? No idea how much of the inspection rate the inspector actually keeps either. See its about $63K average which I hope is after taxes.
Are things looking up for the future or is this field boom and bust?
Feel like the Asian money is forgoing the inspection all together and wonder how this effects the market.
Would like to go on a ride a long this summer to see if the trade suits me or not. Are there companies you would recommend for some one pre schooling?
If there is a newbie page please point me in the right direction.
Will read through the pages in the following weeks.
Just a quick question that many “contractors-turning-home-inspector” don’t give enough thought to… What is your knowledge of Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC, etc. ??? You will need legitimate education on all subjects NOT in your experience base, (although you may be surprised what you “forgot” in your own base). Are you prepared to gain the necessary education PRIOR TO charging clients a fee to inspect their home? Also, BC licenses inspectors. Have you researched what BC requires of you to achieve your license? You have a long road ahead of you. Good luck to you.
When starting out your problem won’t be busting your tail 8 days a week, that will come later. Find an alternative source of income for year one or two that gives you the flexibility to do an inspection any time anywhere (within reason). Take all the internachi courses that are required for Province or State licenses.
@Claude Lawrenson](https://www.nachi.org/forum/users/clawrenson/)
Thank you will read through the links and pdf. The aspect about associations is what troubles me,do not want to get in with the wrong group and realize its to late. Jeffrey R. Jonas](https://www.nachi.org/forum/users/jjonas/)
Must have forgot to mention I plan to go through Douglas College for my certification and I do not rely heavily on having my ticket,its just something that I can point to that correlates to the trade.
Looked into the schooling and see its roughly 15K investment to start out.
Plus the hours put towards was it 100 inspections or 200,was a well ago that I looked into that. You tap into a bit of my worries,I do not want to invest time and money to find out the career path has dried up. @Erik Schmidt](https://www.nachi.org/forum/users/eschmidt/)
That is the trickiest part I believe for me. If I get called out to work on Site C dam that will have me in a camp setting for a 14/7 cycle or maybe 41/7. So the goal is to save as much as I can well the going is good and work on becoming a home inspector on the side.
If I really had to I could work for a old employer that would allow me to take off when needed,although it would be hard to work that out.
Thanks for the responses,was amazed how many members come through here in a day.
Noticed after I posted this and really should have done some more due diligence before posting.
I will say this with all honesty.
Save your money.
Join InterNACHI.
I am not kidding you. I have seen and mentored CD and other grades to know that InterNACHI gives you a higher chance of attaining a successful inspection company without a doubt.
I know a person in BC who got his books on the net saved a pile of money till he wanted to go to Collage they insisted that the CD books must be bought from the collage .
Sounds like CAHPI ? COLLEGE gets a kick back on the book/courses .