Originally Posted By: jremas This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
OK, so I have become a real geek because I started using a SureTest by Ideal. It does a bunch of things that are beyond the scope of a home inspector but so what, I have an extensive background in electrical.
Just noticed that since I started using it, I am now finding some "False Grounds". Most of them all had something in common which I thought about but "brushed off" anyway. All of the false grounds have one thing in common:........they are always on receptacles that are close to the main panel!! I had a gut feeling that was going on but I just confirmed it tonight as I finished wiring in a "quad" box with receptacle for my remodeling of the living room. After I tied everything together, I got out my trust SureTest and low and behold, FALSE GROUND!!! Guess what? The quad I just put in is directly over the top of the main panel which is in my basement. This is a first floor quad so it is about 5 feet away at best.
Anyone else notice the same thing?
Hopefully someone can shed some light on this one before I contact Ideal and inquire about it.
Jeff Remas
REMAS Inspections, Inc.
Northeastern PA & the Poconos
Originally Posted By: jremas This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
OK, I am an idiot. I did not get directions with the unit and just downloaded the directions from Ideal’s website. Looks like you will get these readings if you are within 15’ of a panel. Duh???
Jeff Remas
REMAS Inspections, Inc.
Northeastern PA & the Poconos
Originally Posted By: Mike Parks This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Duh only applies to those who do not ask questions.
Do not hold the GFCI feature down for an extended period.
Let the tester cool down between insert. But you know this now.
I see they have a pocket one now. It does not have all the bells and whisels but it is all the average HI needs (AFCI and GFCI testing). I probably would have purchase the smaller one had it been out earlier.