Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
was used as a pun.
This is the second one I've seen in the past two weeks. The last one I inspected was installed the same exact way and all 15 feet of vent connectors (inside the finished basement) were laterally installed (no slope) with two L-connectors (not elbows). I'm not done yet. I also noticed that the access door in front of the blower was missing and an intake filter was installed over this exposed opening. What are people thinking nowadays?
The owner had told me that when she purchased the house seven years ago, the Home Inspector never picked up on these defects. I told my client that the venting and blower cover must be corrected in order for the furnace to function properly. I gave her specs for a properly vented furnace and told her to replace the filter with the manufacturers cover. I also showed her where the filter is actually supposed to be installed.