This is a portable propane tank that is being used to fuel a decorative log burner in a fireplace. Doesn't look right, but I cannot find a reference that tells me it's wrong. Is it acceptable to use a portable propane tank for this kind of "semi"-permanent application?
Originally Posted By: Mark Dudley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I think as long as it has a regulator and shut off valve, you can use any size tank. The larger the tank, the farther from the home it has to be.
Only gas appliance I have is a stove, and I've used a 30# tank on it. I see no need to get a huge tank and either have to buy it or pay rent on it, when the 30# will run the stove for over a year and costs less than $15 to fill.
Originally Posted By: msimmons This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
How about this…A 5# tank of propane setting next to a stove, inside an a 1st floor apartment. Talk about a bomb… I told the land lord and he friggen flip out…