Protruding Pipes From Ground

Anyone knows the purpose of those pipes?

1970 built bungalow, Crane gas boiler (owner said its original), pipes are situated close to boiler area. Owner refused to fill out the vendor’s declaration.

My thought is an UST…

Underground oil tank??:slight_smile:

Old fuel oil fill and vent lines?..wouldn’t Jive with original gas boiler though…did it look original…as in 40 years old?

Underground propane tank?
Seems to say 250 psi on the cap.?
Where did the pipe go to on the inside?:slight_smile:

I agree with others. Looks like a (buried ?) fuel oil tank filler pipe and vent. My guess would be the boiler was converted to gas burning. That would explain the sellers refusal to disclose. Trying to get off the hook for removal $$$.

JJ, removing oil tanks are not cheap, so that would be a good reason for non-disclosure as you say. :slight_smile:

Exactly… why else would the seller refuse to disclose? Hoping no-one would catch it before the sale.

Looks like a oil under ground tank, Was the boilr a gun type burner? may have been converted to gas back in the day

The boiler didn’t look 40 years old; it was a Crane which went out of business according to CDW Technical Reference Guide.:neutral:

The fact that the vendor didn’t want to fill out the vendor’s declaration form, which incidentally had a question about UST, I will play safe and assume that a UST may be present and recommend further investigation prior to purchase to my client.

I am lousy at acronyms, what is UST?:slight_smile:

Thanks everyone for your prompt responses!

I will report these pipes as being from a suspected (UST) underground storage tank.


TSSA - Standards

How to remove an underground oil tank.

First, you pump the oil out of it that people use to burn in their furnace, people around that do that.
Then, you dig it up and put it on the lawn.

Then you cut it in half.
Then you clean it and send it off to the incinerator.

Then the scrap yard takes the rest.


Soil testing for signs of any old leakage? Didn’t hear that mentioned. If the soil is contaminated it can get real expensive real fast.

Good info Claude, but it don’t apply in Québec.

I will keep it though for when I cross the border to Ontario…


This should apply:

If there’s no oil tank in the basement, then this is an underground oil tank.

Disclose it…

Thanks Claude! :smiley:

IMHO, it looks like those pipes served an inside oil tank that has been removed when the conversion to gas happened. The vent pipe clearly goes in through the foundation. Also, the pipes seem to close to the wall to serve an outdoor tank.

Did you have a chance to view the foundation at the interior for signs the pipes had been cut-off and /or the holes plugged with mortar?


It could have been but that looks like a T and not a 90.

Anyway, I’ll let the purchaser worry about it.
