Puerto Rico Nachi Representatives Meet New Housing Secratery

Today Juan & Mary Ayuso have a meeting with the new Secretary of the Puerto Rico Housing Authority. We are going to provide information and offer our services. Also we will be asking that the ruling established in the past administration to be placed in order. The ruling as part of the incentives and benefits for customers buying a property in this Housing Law provides that all recipiants of these benefits must perform a Home Inspection by a Certified Home Inspector. In Puerto Rico the only certified Home Inspectors with an active certification are NACHI Inspectors. We hope to have great results and with this effort. We can provide work for many Home Inspector, we know we have the support of other related government agencies and NACHI’s.

Sounds great Mary. Much success with your efforts!


Good luck Mary!

Thank you all we had a great meeting and believe our efforts to have the Home Inspectors recognized and our work respected will be really appreciated and respected.
Efforts to provide the Government with our services is what we are trying to provide for special communities thru out the island.