Hi to all,
Here is Sundays question (now I can sleep in) this poll will run for 2 days.
Please note this is a multiple answers question, pick ALL answers that you think apply
Hi to all,
Here is Sundays question (now I can sleep in) this poll will run for 2 days.
Please note this is a multiple answers question, pick ALL answers that you think apply
Let is also not forget the complexity of Computed Loads in determining the actual size of the SEC…does play a factor…but alas that gets WAY to techinical and outside of the scope for Home Inspectors.
Unfortunately, as regards the particular panel pictured, you left-out the fifth multiple choice answer:
Count the amperage of all remaining breakers that DIDN’T jump-off the buses when you removed the panel cover
Too funny Chris, well spotted, it is a FPE panel, good catch
As usual…great Topic gerry…Thanks for your continued efforts to bring electrical issues to the forefront…it is the largest concern of HI’s…because of the dangers and if anyone has actually seen someone get electrocuted like I have…they will respect the importance of electrical knowledge every day.
Thanks again for all you do…
Thanks Gerry.
Hi to all,
The correct answers are:
The rating of the SEC’s
The rating of the panel enclosure
As there is no single main disconnect, the ratings of the multiple breakers tell you nothing.