Originally Posted By: Wayne Wildermuth This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Is it required to have a drain relief valve on the HW heater to relieve the water from the lines prior to draining the tank. I was at an inspection the other day and the buyer’s friend “Mr. Knowitall” insisted that I flag this as a problem. He said that it has been code for as long as he can remember. As an inspector, I know we are not required to point out code violations (at least not here in CT) but, is this really an issue or is it just something nice to have? What is the result of not having one…could the tank become a missile or implode?
Originally Posted By: dhadler This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’m unable to determine what a drain relief valve is.
A drain valve or drain c*#k is a valve used to drain fluid out of the tank for plumbing work and for periodic purging to comply with warranty instructions and maintenance. It's located at the bottom of the tank, but has nothing to do with safety. ( I don't believe code requires one of these, but I've never seen a tank without one.)
The TPR valve is a must! This device is located about 6" from the top or right on top depending on the brand or style of tank. It also is required to have a discharge tube on it so when it releases any hot water/steam it will be directed to within 6" from the floor to protect occupants from being scalded. Without this TPR valve the tank could become a missile or blow, and has been code for many, many years.
Hope this explains the difference between the two.
-- Darrell Hadler
Five Star Home Inspections
Medicine Hat, Alberta CANADA
Originally Posted By: dhadler This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I just noticed my post was automatically censored. Drain c*#k (rhymes with sock) is a term that has been used for years… but I guess it has 2 meanings as well
Originally Posted By: Wayne Wildermuth This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
It is not a drain at the bottom and it is not a TPRV, it is in I believe the feed line above the water heater inlet pipe. I have never heard of one either.
Originally Posted By: Wayne Wildermuth This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I do not have a picture because there was not one installed. I think he may be saying that even a faucet type drain would work, just something to drain the excess water from the pipes before changing out a heater.