Question on 4 point inspection

Is a Florida home inspection licence required to do 4 point inpsections in Florida.


Not yet

Depends on who you ask - Citizen’s requires a HI license along with NACHI or ASHI membership

OR a GC license.

G.C. with electrical training :slight_smile:

Mike - that sounds like an oxymoron


I do have a certificate :slight_smile:

I have contacted Rick Morrison regarding the question of state certification being required for 4-point and/or Wind Mit unless required by carrier.
I understand that many think it is not required due to the limited scope of work and it is a excellent point.
We Should get the information from the state to be absolutely correct prior to any “cease and desist” requests.

The state has nothing to do with four points

It is a fee-paid inspection residential inspection with a limited scope of work.
Not debating the issue, just requesting a state rep. clarification for the record.
Has anyone verified this with the DBPR?

Are looking to going fishing, because that is a big can of worms your messing with

Wouldn’t it be better to know before one gets into a grey area with the state?

It seems real clear to me…if it is a fee paid inspection on a home you should need a Florida Home Inspectors License to do it.
** Remember, licensing was implemented in Florida to protect the public from the untrained, unscrupulous and uninsured!!! (300,000.00 liability min**. )-X-X-X

The scope of work covered by an HI license is more than “a fee paid inspection on a home”. I’d like to here the DBPR’s interpitation on it.

Just because an inspection does not cover every point in the HI Law SOP does not make it automaticly except from the law.
And yes, lets hear from the DPBR

I agree, and the fact that we do not have a state SOP yet makes hearing from DBPR as to where the cut off is all the more needed.

Also agree to some extent - But my question is: "How do WE impact that future SOP - are we going to wait for it to be handed to us like the licensing law, the new OIR 1802?

The grass roots effort to expand our legislative presence should be focused on this issue - licensing is here to stay I’m afraid - let’s not tilt at windmills, but focus on issues that we MAY BE can influence.

Hench the need to fund Wyne as our lobyist.

not much difference between a 4 pt inspection and the inspection protocol outlined by Fl statute for a home inspection - so, IMO, a HI license should be required

Personally, I do not want an SOP crammed down my throat which dictates way too much crap which is not relevant to a competent HI. IMO the current statute is adequate. I want to support HI but I do not want anyone telling me I have to issue a stupid 65 page report