I believe that this panel services a small cabin, but I’m not totally sure.
Are one or more of the conductors on the grounding bus bar improperly labeled?
I’ve noted the following defects in this panel:
Loose exposed conductors underneath the 30-amp breaker.
A missing knockout plate at the bottom of the panel enclosure.
Foreign object(s) inside the panel enclosure.
Inadequate labelling for each circuit.
Do you see any other problems with the connections to the grounding bus bar at the top?
I’m not totally sure what every conductor is for that’s attached to the grounding bus bar.
I think that it might be the way that they were posted. Usually you can enlarge the photo by clicking on it. In your other thread (defective circuit breaker) the first photo could be enlarged but the rest of them could not. Strange.
The photos in this post were pulled straight from the Home Inspector Pro reporting software. The software keeps them small in order to make the report file small enough to send via email.
The photos in that defective breaker post of mine were taken directly with my Iphone photo app, which is set to a high resolution. That makes them easier to view on this forum.
The resolution is blurry from my perch as well and my eyes aren’t that old. When I inspect, I use my iPhone’s native camera to take high resolution pics, then insert those pics into my report so I don’t usually have a resolution issue. Your HIP software might be lowering the file size of the image rendering it low resolution if you use their app to snap a pic. When I use my reporting software to snap a pic, it still saves and displays at high resolution. I’m not familiar with HIP software, maybe there’s a setting you can change?
according to the post directly above yours made ~3 hours prior, it was pulled from the inspector pro software instead of the phone. the software resizes them when storing them also to keep the size small.
is that really two comments that failed to read the comment explaining the small pictures? must be a dave thing, or perhaps it’s a david thing.