I am starting a radon testing company, I am researching some info before launch and have a question.
How much do you charge for a radon test for residential customer and how much do you charge for real estate transaction? Same? I know that home inspection add this as an addition to their home inspection cost, but wondering what the charge would be without that.
Thanks for the responses.
Like Jeffery says. I charge $200 with an inspection. I know only one inspector charging more than me. I am on a one inspector mission to get my fellow inspectors to make money on radon testing. For a stand-a-lone, my fee starts at $310 depending on logistics.
The best thing you can do to get accurate current information concerning Radon testing prices for your business is to call local companies and see what the going rate is for your area and go from there.
If the going rate for your area is $150.00 and you start out charging $200.00, you’re probably going to have a slow start, but on the other hand if you start out at $125.00, your price will be more competitive and you’ll most likely start out with more business.
Most testers in my area offer home inspectors a discount, so that may add another angle to your pricing if that’s the route you’re looking to go.
I add mileage charges to retrieve the monitor if it was placed during a home inspection. If it was a standalone test then you have double the mileage, however if a standalone radon test takes too much time and prevents you from doing a higher paying job like a home inspection then you may have to say sorry and let your competitors take the cheaper radon test that day. In the beginning most new inspectors offer many extra services trying to make a living, but as time goes on and your home inspection business picks up you just have to let go of some of these secondary services.