Originally Posted By: pcarter This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks for responding Rick,
I didnt realize these two companies had contracts we could use? I use Radalinks and I have talked to Pro-labs regarding mold kits. I am trying to nail down a good contract for my attorney to review, so I can have the attorney create one for the company.
-- Patrick C.
Town & Country Home Inspection Services, LLC
(Serving S.E. Kansas, Cruising the 169)
Originally Posted By: Caoimh?n P. Connell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hello Patrick ?
Depends on what you mean by a mould and/or radon inspection. For what it?s worth, I have successfully shot down, as a rebuttal witness, every mould inspection performed by an home inspector, that I have been asked to review. If you can?t look at a mould and determine at least the genus without having to take a sample, maybe you should not be doing moulds. Indeed, if you have to take a sample, you definitely should not be doing mould inspections. In my humble opinion ... which is less than humble during sworn testimony. :twisted:
As far as Pro-Labs go ? their reports are easily some of the worst I have ever seen, and an inspector should NEVER use a lab that is foolish enough to perform an interpretation of the data without having ever seen the property (which is what Pro-Labs foolishly does). I have already lodged a complaint with the AIHA Accreditation program against Pro-Labs.
As far as radon goes, the inspections (and therefore the contractual obligations, and contract language) is a lot easier, since one doesn?t actually have to know anything about radon to perform an assessment ? one merely has to be EPA accredited and follow the EPA guidelines (State-specific standards, notwithstanding).
(The opinions expressed here are exclusively my personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect my professional opinion, opinion of my employer, agency, peers, or professional affiliates. The above post is for information only and does not reflect professional advice and is not intended to supercede the professional advice of others.)
Originally Posted By: Caoimh?n P. Connell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hello Mr. Porter ?
You are absolutely correct, the lab should visit the home if they are going to make an interpretation of the data. However, Pro-labs interprets data without the benefit of ever seeing the home and frequently that interpretation is contradictory the the fingings of far more cognizant authorities who have visited the home.
(The opinions expressed here are exclusively my personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect my professional opinion, opinion of my employer, agency, peers, or professional affiliates. The above post is for information only and does not reflect professional advice and is not intended to supercede the professional advice of others.)