Anyone have the correct requirements for replacing a shake roof with tile roof that specifically states that a engineers report is required? Please respond if you have direct knowledge of the written document and can point me to it.
Anyone have the correct requirements for replacing a shake roof with tile roof that specifically states that a engineers report is required? Please respond if you have direct knowledge of the written document and can point me to it.
No, but if the roof was not designed originally for tiled roofs then odds are it was not engineered for one. There is a lot of weight difference between tiles and shakes.
Thanks but that is known information…I need the exact code or document that calls for the engineers report.
Since it is being replaced with heavier product you will need to follow the Codes of your town for the product installation. This includes a proper documentation from Engineering Est. of the re-vamped roof trusses.
In our area if you don’t have the stamp you cannot do it. Documentation will come from them and the AHJ.
Ok, lets keep it simple without me sounding like an ***. I need the written document that refers to the need of an stamped engineers report for this application. San Joaquin County, Stockton CA.
I know that its needed, I know the extra weight needs extra support, I know that a local/state/united building code has put that in writing but cant come up with the document right now and I need that specific information to write up an inspection document for a client. With that said, If anyone has that written information please advise.
Thanks for the responses but not what im looking for.
This is a Home Inspectors MB. We have no use for the requested information. Recommend going to a Roofers or Architects or Structural Engineer’s or AHJ’s website/MB.
Have a nice day.
What? OMG im looking for a simple thing. Great…thanks for letting me know that this is a home inspection MB, and is why i asked for the help…and you have no use for the documentation? Wow Really…you should.
What to say? Nothing. I ask a simple question and get BS for comments…come on someone has to know where I can find the info.
And I will have a nice day…Thanks…WTF
maybe here
I think thats it…please email it to me…Thanks… Thanks again
I would think that would be an AHJ/Building Dept thing… I doubt the Building and Safety dept would want a manu’s handout…
Anyhoo, the work would require a permit as shown here for San Joaquin
unless exempted, which a re-roof generally isn’t
thanks Mike
knew i’d seen some specific mention of shake replacement in one of their docs/books
you’re the man!
Thanks for the info…I have what i need now.
Paul, I just sent the Tile Institute document to you. Let me know if you do not get it.
Hey Paul - I didn’t see this thread, only your message to me. I sent you the CA Code section that applies…
Thanks, I got the info.
I know of no such document, standard or code. I use a narrative if that appears to be the condition.
In the last house I did with that problem it was pretty easy to see with compression cracks everywhere. Problem wasn’t inadequate roof framing strength but additional settling of the wall framing. Cracking at many drywall seams.