Report writer providing bad links to CPSC

My report writer, Spectacular, has a “nice” feature on some of the sections that will search for a potential recall from the CPSC. In theory, when the report is being finalized, the program searches in the model section with CPSC recalls. If there is a recall, it will populate a link to the recalled item (ie boiler, water heater, etc) onto the report. Like a broken clock, this only works occasionally. Sometimes I end up with a recall to an item completly irrevelant (ex: suppose recall on HB Smith oil boiler- link goes to a recalled bicycle). This becomes a process as I have to now do more research on a the item to try to figure out if there was ever a potential recall for that item and why it may have been flagged. Then I need to rewrite the report in a way to prevent it from flagging a recall if it is false. I have been in discussion with both the software developer and CPSC about how to correct this and they both point the finger to the other as the fault.

My ask is this 1) do other folks find they are having false links if they are using a program to find recalls?
2) What do others use to search for potential recalls specific to items inspecting. I always appreciate the occasional posting of a new recall. How do folks stay on top of all potential recalls?

I never did search for recalls and never had a complaint about not doing it.

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Maybe because it is not your job description? :wink:

P. any manufacturers’ recalls or conformance with manufacturer installation, or any information included for consumer protection purposes.

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That’s what they are paying the extra $$ for, right? :man_shrugging:
They are paying for this, no?

Hmmm seems Larry hit it on the head with that one!

I don’t search recalls as you never know when you miss one due to bad database entries, etc. I do provide them links where the client can search for it if they are interested to do so.

As for your software problem it is just that a software problem and the responsibility of the reporting software company. If they want to offer that function they should make sure the information they retrieve is correct. If there is any issue with the database provider it is your reporting software company who is responsible for he;ping that provider work their problems out. After all they are most likely hyping that function to entice Inspectors to use their product and you are certainly paying for it.