Thank you brother!
I’ll keep in touch!
Thank you brother!
I’ll keep in touch!
WOW! Holy Crap!
According to BBB & his own admission: …“This project left me bankrupt & homeless”…
I wonder what happened to $34K the client paid him…
Somehow, we all get what we deserve.
The front of the bedroom wall was 12 feet wide and the back was 13 feet wide!:shock:
Yeah….This is the guy who’s going to come up to New Hampshire and “bring things up to HIS standard”!
I wonder how much he wants to LOWER our standards!:roll:
Well that complaint was sure interesting reading. Sounds like he would be best to move on and not taint this organization with his presence. Sounds like the type of contractor that keeps us in business.
Hope all is well Frank. Take care. Call if you need anything.
Must have gone off the meds. Lot of that going on lately.
That better business bureau complaint was absolutely amazing!
The fact that one wall was 12 feet wide and the opposing wall was 13 feet wide and this so-called “contractor” did not catch it is astonishing! Now….He wants to be a home inspector?
Like I stated earlier I have more important things to do and do not want to waste my time with someone of his caliber/character!
PS: I appreciate your kind words and I wish you well.
Warmest Regards, Frank
Darren is lucky you’re such a nice guy Frank, and didn’t post his BBB complaint in the public section of this message board.
Thank you for those kind words. They are greatly appreciated!
Like I stated… I have some Life and death issues to attend to and I do not have time to waste on a person of his caliber.
He can slander me, and slander our New Hampshire state chapter but…… Our members know better, and Nick certainly knows the many, many years that I have put into our State Chapter and the many years that I have put into helping my fellow InterNachi inspectors.
One of our highly respected New Hampshire members who is also a well respected contractor alerted me to the Better Business Bureau complaint. I cannot guarantee that this member or others will not post this unsettled complaint on the public section.
For a “Newbie” Darren sure is making enemies at a record-breaking pace.
Yeah you’re right Frank. I was not my best during that project. I was caring for my terminally ill mom who was battling stage 4 lung cancer. And my ( Now wife). Was going through her first round of Breast Cancer. So by all means. Let’s not taint this industry with a screw up like me.
Let the pity party begin. We all have things to deal with. It’s part of life.
Good idea.
I thought you said your last post was made .
As you can see it is past 1 o’clock in the morning. The reason I haven’t bothered to answer your latest post is because I have been caring for my dying wife. My wife is not ill….She is dying! There is a big difference in the two! I am truly sorry that your wife is sick.
I am sincerely sorry that your mother passed away.
As I stated earlier I was given five months to live. This caused me to stop all of my “business-related/political activities” and concentrate on what time I had left with my dying wife. As I stated earlier she has pulmonary fibrosis and that is an ugly, vicious, and slow way to die!
I know that you do not like me so I will give you some information that might make you happy.
I wake up in pain, I live my entire day in pain, and what little sleep I can get I sleep in pain! I take morphine for breakfast, morphine for lunch, morphine for dinner and morphine before I go to sleep. None of the above eliminates the pain all it does is “mask it”. My physicians are amazed that I’m not dead so I have decided that instead of sitting around waiting for death to come that I will continue to “live my life” the best way I know how.
I am sorry that we “got off on the wrong foot” that being said…… If you knew all of the *years *of hard work, effort and money that I put into establishing and maintaining our state chapter you would understand why I’m sensitive to any criticism. Especially coming from someone who has no idea/concept of the decade of time and effort that I have put into establishing and maintaining our New Hampshire state chapter.
As for the “chapter website” that you visited I found it to be a pain to maintain and we held many meetings after the last date that was posted there. Instead of posting on that site I we sent out emails to our members and that is how I Them informed.
Anyway…… Once again I’m sorry that “we got off on the wrong foot” and I wish you well in whatever profession you choose.
I would like to “close this chapter in my life” and let this be our last communication on this matter.
You are trolling me. So! I will flag your post.
Simon Lord, Dave Nopanen, Dee kline, Whoever it is has been around a while his tone changes with different members like he has talked to them before as someone else.