Reported Post by echristians

echristians has reported a post.


Post: An unusual situation.
Forum: Inspection Report Writing
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: rlewis5
Original Content:

Then don’t!
You didn’t have to read it .

So is he complaining about your post or mine?
Don’t bother. I really don’t give a f*ck.


Interesting, a complaint on an almost 7 month old post?? This OP can have a full time job digging up old posts to report on! :smiley:

Hey JJ is this one in your service area??

I think he’s in the Fargo area, about 300 miles away, so technically… YES. I do perform inspections in his general area about every year or two. That’s really got to piss a local boy off when an out-of-towner takes bread off his table from that far away! Every now and then I mention inspector ‘reputations’… this is a great example of how that works for me! \:D/

You must have pizzed on his Wheaties by taking business away from him! :lol::lol: