Reported Post by jjonas

jjonas has reported a post.


Post: Understanding Professional Self-Regulation
Forum: Canadian Inspectors
Assigned Moderators: gbeaumont, fmagdefrau, fcarrio, lkage, mkyriacou, jmckenna1, rromoser, sgilligan1, iniquette, bjones5, jramos, wwilson3

Posted by: kwood
Original Content:

Oh no. Evil nitwit #1 has snuck behind the lines.

10/2/14, 4:37 PM post #285

Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Nederland, Colorado
Posts: 43,305
Default Re: Ethics Complaint
Kevin, after careful review and consultation with others, both InterNACHI and MICB have come to the same conclusion, that you violated each of their Code of Ethics.

InterNACHI has expelled you for one year, after which you are welcome to return. Please remove references to InterNACHI membership from your website, brochure, and other documents.

The MICB took a much harder line and has stripped you of your Certified Master Inspector professional designation for life.

I’ll move this thread to our NFE section now.

Nick Gromicko, Certified Master Inspector
President, Contractors Association
Author, How to Run a Successful Home Inspection Business
Founder, InterNACHI
Owner,Nick Gromicko General Contractor

“Just as iron sharpens iron, one man sharpens another.”- Proverbs 27:17
Planet InterNACHI… resistance is futile.

From Ethics Complaint - Page 8 - InterNACHI Inspection Forum

Nonmembers have their posts subject to "non-approval / critique.

just click on the little square and you will receive a “checkmark” then you can “unapprove” all of his posts.

Well looky looky who approved woodheads posts.

Next Nick will give Kevin back his CMI privileges.

I am always amazed at your “technical skills”! :+1:t2:

I know what I know and I have a long memory which I am very grateful for.:smiley:

I just received an email from Nick and he tells me that when it comes to CMI….Kevin is banned Life! :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

Well isn’t that great!

How can his posts actually be allowed when on another site he’s posting spew about InterNACHI, CMI (with the logo)…
Strangely, we all thought he wasn’t to make use of the logo on any of his activities.

Might be a good idea to clean this up or do we just want him to carry on?


We fight to protect our Association and Member Colleagues and some character is allowed to just come and stir it up.

Membership has its privileges!

Unbelievable :frowning:

I thought a 1 year ban would be 1 year ban. Nicks time line must be different than the rest of the world. A sad day for InterNachi

I’m sorry Frank. I don’t get it.
What it this little square to click on?

Well Frank it looks like Kevin didn’t take Nick seriously.

Here’s his head shot with the CMI banner flying boldly above, viewable to the public.

That should be enough to keep him out of here for another year,

Well Frank it looks like Kevin didn’t take Nick seriously.

Here’s his head shot with the CMI banner flying boldly above. Badmouthing Nachi and CMI. Viewable to the public.

That should be enough to keep him out of here for another year.

He’s been on Inspection News really trashing INACHI and CMI. Interesting that they allow him back. :roll:

“Non-members” have a little square at the upper right-hand corner of their “post”.

Members can either approve or disapprove of their post.

Send Nick and Lisa and email with a link to the post (s) where Kevin is trashing out CMI and InterNachi.