Residential Floor Glazing?

Originally Posted By: Kevin Blackwell
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I am searching for the min. percentage for residential floor glazing in a habitable room.

I could not find anything in CABO or 2003 IRC
Thanks Kevin from Houston,Texas

Originally Posted By: Brian A. Goodman
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Are you asking about minimum floor area for a “habitable room”? I’ll have to admit that I don’t know what floor glazing is, if that isn’t what you mean.

If it is, the minimum is 70 square feet according to the 2003 IRC (Section R304).

Originally Posted By: phinsperger
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The building code up here referes to glazed area as the glass area (widows, glass panes in doors, glass block, etc). There are restrictions on the maximium percentage of glazed area for fire reasons. It has to do with adjacent building being on fire. I can get more in to it if that is what you are talking about.


Paul Hinsperger
Hinsperger Inspection Services
Chairman - NACHI Awards Committee
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here !

Originally Posted By: Robert Koch
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As stated above, min floor area for habitable room is 70 sq ft. Minimum aggregate glazed area must be not less than 8% of the floor area. Minimum openable area to the exterior is 4% of the floor area. There are exceptions for artificial light and mechanical ventilation.

Of course, this is different (not different really, just additional requirements) for sleeping rooms. Emergency escape and rescue opening required for all sleeping rooms. Net openable area 5.7 sq ft for non-grade level windows (there are additional requirements to meet emergency escape opening).

Sections R303, R304, and R310 of the 2003 IRC.

I hope this relates to what you are asking!