Piggy Bank near full after 8 yrs non union construction, 30 yrs union carpenter, 8 yrs home inspector, gonna finish my last years fishing and hunting.
Below is a list of a few tools I will no longer be needing but are in great shape.
Prices include free shipping in the US only
Flir i7 / hard case / power supply / software / micro sd to mini sd adapter / 2gig mini sd - I purchased this new……… SOLD
Sun Nuclear 1027 / power supply / keys / 2 door hangers / roll of tamper proof labels and adhesive remover / free software download - will need calibrated…………SOLD
EMSL E-Lite Pump Kit / pump / tripod / hard case / tube - purchased new……… asking $225
EMSL VP-400 Microbial Sampler - purchased new……… asking $200
EXTECH AC Circuit Load Tester CT70 - purchased new…… asking $125
TIFF8800A Combustible Gas Detector / charger / hard case - purchased used………… asking $95
May find other items as I get time.
Thank you to InterNACHI for all your support.
Contact: service@hytekinspect.com or 765-450-8554