I have some very new tools for sale. Anyone interested can email some questions and i will give you a list of my tools and the price i am asking. all tools are new and very little wear if any at all. I CHANGED my mind about this feild and have since moved on. I was a member for about 3 years
My email is Cheezball55@yahoo.com
The tools I have for sale are “all in one sale only”. I will not sell individual tools. Its a great starting package for some who can use all of it.
Tools are:
Fluke 62 mini infrared thermometer
Surveymaster protimeter Dual mode
TIF 8850
Ultra Stinger streamlight flashlight
The Illustrated Home book with CD ROM
Preston’s Guide
Digital Compass
Code books
and some odds and endsSee Picture
First come first serve. I have a pay pal account that we can use. The email address for that is cheezball55@zoominternet.net
These tools only have 20 Paid inspection under there belt.
My Price is $1000 firm, plus Shipping cost. If your not interested and know someone who might be, Please send them my way.
Thanks Matt will try and figure out how to post pictures at another time.