I have a wind mitigation inspection scheduled for this week. The roof covering is original installed with a permit in 1999 when the home was built. Can I check “A” assuming the roof covering met FBC product approval listing current at the time, or will I need actual product approval numbers to allow me to check “A”.?
Can anyone explain why the date of 03/01/02 is the cut off date noted in option “A”?
Assuming you are not in the HVHZ:
A. All roof coverings listed above meet the FBC with a FBC or Miami-Dade Product Approval listing current at time of
installation OR have a roofing permit application date on or after 3/1/02 OR the roof is original and built in 2004 or later.
1999 does not meet the FBC 2001 building code.
3/1/2002 is when the 2001 FBC took effect. To meet the FBC(on the 1802) you must have a permit application on or after 3/1/2002.
You can use the product approval if you have it and it meets the FBC
John, is Citizens accepting just the approval number for compliance along with a copy of the approval, or is more information needed? Just curious on your experience with this.
Joseph, you should really take the WM course or you will be supporting the re-inspection program even further.
Joseph please update your location so we can better assist you.
The 2001 FBC went into effect on 3/1/02.
Shingles were required to meet tougher standards beginning with the 2001 FBC.
Shingles manufactured prior to that time are more prone to blow off and wind damage.
Proof of product approval is usually required, not just the number. I have not had an issue with it being accepted. I usually use it when no permit was issued because of a storm. Most of those can be identified by a storm list that the AHJ may have kept.
Thanks everyone for your help. I have taken the Wind Mit course but I could not find anything in my notes stating shingles had been improved in 2001 to meet tougher standards. The inspection is tomorrow so thanks to your responses I won’t be supporting the re-inspection program.
You obviously are not qualified to do the job. Have you taken and passed a class?
When you say Proof of product approval, does this mean an invoice or contract stating approval # or NOA or just the product description. (assuming no wrapper)
Something that ties the product to the property. Invoice, wrapper. You can try to use the product approval, but how do you know it is that product?
I have seen on some roofing proposals, the type of product and manufacturer and from there, you can get the noa number from approval zoom.