This a first for me. I am hoping someone will weigh in on it for me.
The engineered trusses have 2x4’s between the trusses and the roof decking. The decking is attached to these “purlins”. I have never seen the decking not attached to the trusses/rafters. This is a beach home and this does not look to be ideal installation to me…
Thanks Jonas. It is the deck to truss connection that concerns me - not the metal roof to deck. I am reading over the literature you sent also - only seeing “open framing” but nothing about adding the deck to the purlins as a best practice. I see where the metal is attached directly to the purlins or battens without deck boards - but that is not the case here.
Some metal roofs attach to batten and some directly to the deck, I get that. But why not attach the deck to the truss? Seems like there is one nail every 24x24 inches holding this roof on. I dont like it.
You may want to check with local AHJ, but I don’t believe using purlins, battens, sleepers, (whatever you want to call them), are not FBC compliant for a roof deck diaphragm. They didn’t even run the plywood perpendicular to the purlins. It’s wrong in FL.
Thanks Brad. Good eye on the plywood, too. I called the AHJ - out sick…what fun. Thanks, I’ll write it up as questionable and further eval - yada yada.