Roof looks good from here

But from here, not so good. :wink:

933 East Washington Ave 2-1-11 009.JPG

933 East Washington Ave 2-1-11 003.JPG

933 East Washington Ave 2-1-11 005.JPG

Thats something some people with a camera on a pole will miss.

That is the hairiest roof I have seen

It surprised me a bit as well Curtis. The North, from the street looked old and worn, but not like this side facing South. :smiley:

Looks good from my house - :slight_smile:

Lower quality asphalt resulting in poor granule adhesion made worse by extreme thermal cycling due to it’s location in Phoenix.

was that side facing south??? side with more sun will aways show more wear

Sometimes the South side looks a lot better because it’s already been replaced.

What is the white “stuff”? Funny how there is a distinct straight line up the middle of the hip shingle caps with no carry over from right to left. What happened to cause that phenomenon?

The granules and asphalt decayed to expose the fiberglass mat

Mr Vilt.35 plus years and thats a first to me.
The white on the roof.
You say its the fiberglass mating.
Look closely.The hip is the spectator of 2 plains. One side white staining. The other side unapparent.
Now even if Kenton was right and that 2 plains had been changed , what accounts for the hips also having one side clean and the other side stained white.
Is there a algae bloom that at-tears to trees in that area. It is similar to moss buildup.
How the moss degrades the adhesion of the granular.
Any more photo of the roof and did you climb your ladder?
That roof is one I would have loved to be on and would have taken enough pictures to satisfy my curiosity.
Look again I am going to suggest someone was on that roof with a power washer at one time.
The ware patten is to uniform.
more photos and explanation to the roofs placement to prevailing winds please.

Fiberglass mat shingles have just hit here in the last 5-8 years…haven’t seen any deterioate to that condition.

Now…what has happened at the hip caps divide line where one side is in good condition and the other is in poor condition, adjoining roof slopes included?

How would you know to make that statement ?
Maybe it is something you would miss.
Have you tried a 1890 x 1200 HD video walking around the perimeter or are you just talking from an air of superiority with no knowledge behind your comments?

Can I guess you are walking around on clay tile and causing damage that you hope the sellers do not find out about ?

I agree with you BOB and was going to call him out on that statement.
You are here you can defend it.
I see a camera as being a positive tool and would work well on the roof style myself.
Tear into him BOB. Give him the lashhhhhh.
Just kidding.

I will bring a photo to people that have been dealing with fiberglass shingles for 10 plus years Brian.
Remind me to answer if I forget please.
Busy these days.
During the summer remind mind me and I will go to the government.
I have a friend I can network info.

I wasn’t saying that one side has been replaced, only that the South side can look better on some homes because it has been replaced. I think this photo shows deterioration on the side of the home that receives the worst of the weather.
I think poor quality asphalt has resulted in the loss of volatiles, and erosion of the asphalt, both of which contribute to granule loss.Loss beginning at the shingle edges is typical because the edges have 2 surfaces exposed to the weather, the top and sides, while the field of a shingle is surrounded by shingle and only has one surface exposed… the top

Sorry for misquote Kenton.

The roof is OLD and facing SOUTH. The damage was primarily caused by the SUN.

You can go all CSI Home Inspection till the Cows come home if it makes you feel any better. :wink:

The Roof is Done and needs to be replaced. :smiley:

Robert, It looks like fiberglass to me. That roof has met its day.

To myself, that kind of deterioration by UV is extreme!! Looks like there’s going to be a lot more melanoma in the sun belt…keep your insurance paid up.