A second-story walkout on a rubber roof. What are your thoughts? How would you write it up?
"Rubber roofs are designed for minimal foot traffic and provide a water tight covering to protect the assembly below it.
Engaging in the use of deck use traffic will compromise it’s watertight functions and leak to the structure below.
I would recommend that it not be used as an outside deck until designed walking surface is installed by a competent General Contractor and designed by an Architect. "
In this particular case, walk pads material or double layered membrane is installed on the roof covering under the sleepers and deck boards installed on top to provide a regular deck flooring and the roof covering is protected from abuse of foot traffic and anything that might subject it with punctures of any kind.
make sure you’re not looking at a vinyl product designed for roof/deck/balcony everyday use surfaces
usually has a fine textured/patterned surface
many i’ve seen have specified flashings & perimeter hold down hardware
Great note Marcel, can I borrow it forever?
EPDM. More photos if you have.
The flashing are the most important on the type of roof.
The corner posts, all angle changes must be flashing properly.They look suspect.
Before I will say “I would recommend a licensed roofer.” Photos please. At the door way into the home and at the post penetrations.
Any water staining on the ceiling below? New paint on the cieling?
As Barry said, this type of thing is available, too: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=10&cad=rja&ved=0CGUQFjAJ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.caddetails.com%2F2004%2Fproduct.asp%3Fcid%3D2342%26itm%3Dcompanybrochure&ei=jALFUP6iHMPvygG7k4D4CQ&usg=AFQjCNGFOw5DE7IxUxyCjf1jW2AAfrAVcw
Duadek is a Canadian Product and is not a DIY project.
It is a system designed by an Architect just like any other PVC or rubber roofing systems designed for deck overlays.
Has anybody ever seen a vinyl decking that is a solid black?
LOL, Marcel…no, the guys at Home Depot can’t explain how to install it. Hahahaha.
Thanks guys for the input. Nice write-up Marcel.
It’s not one of the vinyl products.
There were no water stains on the ceiling below and it did not appear to be freshly painted.
Actually at Home Depot and Home hardware in my neck of the woods…oppps or should say, in my neck of the snow swep,t barren, cold, heat forsaken and almost void of the worlds business speaking langue woods, manufacturers give tutorials on Roofing, Concrete overlay products from SiKa,Roofing, Iko, Domtar, drywall installation, Gypsum CGC Canada right down to rough carpentry and hand tool safety and use.
Me thinks Marcel is correct.
That almost looks like what I am doing to install in my boat in the spring when I complete my deck refit. Dorsett marine Vinyl. come s 6’ foot widths.
I wonder if you live on water front with your balcony feet from the shoreline would it be a good idea.
I was agreeing with Marcel…but, near you, it is a DIY project?
I knew you where agreeing Larry.
Let me explain and take this further.
I believe home owners can do anything he or she wishes with their home. I applaud an individual that expands their interests for many reasons. Saving money is one, education, hobby, getting away from you spouse…
The complexity of the task at hand must be assessed.
It also opens our association with home owners when they get it wrong, or should say “if you market yourself correctly.” IMO
DYI can be archived by anyone I hope. Remember it takes time, tools and the education to get it right. All in an effort to save money and increase your homes value and hopefully increase their own interests.
All the best Larry.
I would never ever put this on my boat if you use any fish attract on a lure WD40 or soap to wash your hand ,you now have a home built rink slippery then snot .
Please make sure you have your life jacket on you will need it … Roy
I know that slippery feet and rollers do not make good partners.
I never used fish attractant, WD/40 or soap in my boat. All good points Roy.
Marcel it is nice to have connections to get “white papers” like this via e-mail.:mrgreen: