Screw Jacks

I have found many older homes and some new ones with screw jacks installed within the basement area. I was told that there are some jacks manufactured for permanent use. Can any body help me with the identifying marks that these will have?

I thought you was a member mad at another member. Then I read your post. :slight_smile:
I see a lot of screw jacks. Never knew there was a difference. I just make sure that they are in good condition and are still secure. Screw jacks that are used in my area are not used to support the whole house, just to help out carrying the load.

Barry, you beat me to it.

At least around here, screw jacks are not allowed to be used as a permenant installation.

I have a hard time believing they ever could be used as perm, unless they sat on a footer grade pad.


Read the box they come in, it states for tempoary use only during construction. after construction the temp screw jacks are removed and replaced with steel covered concrets.

Rick, You know “anything goes in the Poconos” :wink:

**[size=2]Telescopic Adjustable Columnsillustration 2 Are Not Approved In The U.S. For Use As Permanent Support


You can check this thread for some good info as well.
Credit Marcel with the link I provided in my previous post. :slight_smile:

Some builders in the Poconos use them all the time on new construction. And nobody knows.