Sealing weep screeds

Originally Posted By: Bill Cavdek
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In Arizona, the residential building codes do not require any sealing where the inside of an exterior wall meets the foundation. In other words, with the wallboard removed in my bathroom, I can see light from the outside coming in.

This doesn't make sense to me since it readily allows insects to nest in my walls, and this opening around the perimeter of my house does not insulate the walls from ambient air. That is especially important in this hot desert climate.

This light enters where the weep screed lower flange meets the exterior foundation. The distance between this lower flange and the foundation varies from 1/16" to 1/4". There are drain holes in this lower flange at 6.5" intervals.

Had I known at the time of my pre-drywall inspection that I should have sealed this area from the inside, I would have done that. Now, the next best thing I can think of is to use a good caulking to seal where the lower flange meets the foundation, but leaving the drain holes open.

My questions are:

1. Is this a good idea?

2. If so, would you recommend use of expanding foam if I could keep the drain holes open (perhaps by inserting straws into those holes before filling the area with foam)?

3. If I use expanding foam, afterwards should I run caulking where the lower flange meets the foundation to help protect the foam?

4. Is it OK to seal where the exterior stucco meets the top horizontal exterior edge of the weep screed? Right now, I can insert and slide a putty knife all along that edge between it and the stucco. (I think this horizontal edge may also serve as kind of a ledge for the stucco.)

I'll appreciate it so much if you can help me with my questions, as I have searched the Internet for over two hours trying to find information about sealing a weep screed.


Originally Posted By: bkelly2
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