The Relator said that I was just being to critical on calling this out? When asked if the where buying would it be different? No answer.
The Relator said that I was just being to critical on calling this out? When asked if the where buying would it be different? No answer.
I can’t see from the pic. Is the insulation cracked?
This is hard to judge. The service is simply old. You cannot call out a violation, no one did anything wrong. You can simply state the service is in poor condition and recommend an upgrade or replacement.
Many times this is a risk. I know for fact some folks who have put the cheapest bandaid fix on all the issues a H-I has called out. For example, fixing or replacing something on a 60 year old service when it should have been upgraded. Or replacing the old service with a 100 amp which legally satisfied the issue but the new buyer had to upgrade anyway after moving in. So who wins???
My suggestion for items like this is to call them out as a concern, not to demand action.
I didnt see a drip loop in the lines either, this condition should be corrected at the very least
The conductors are heading uphill into the weatherhead, I think this would qualify as a drip loop?
my thoughts, exactly
They also have to have a loop (up) into the SE cable
Not like this one.
My thought exactly. Must run downhill to drain from servic eentrance splice as well as masthead. Masthead appears to be too low above the roof as well.
Are you referring to the original post picture?
How can you tell this from that pic?
Ooooo. Nice!
Greg, I’m not following you on this one. Those are the SECs, they are uphill into the weatherhead, where is the violation?