Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi to all,
Good eyesight Dave I had to blow the picture up to see it, but it does look like all the 30 amps are on overfused circuits (wires look like 12 gauge) some of the 20 amps may also be on 14's but it is hard to tell.
What is all that crap doing in the panel? was it also missing its cover?
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Those green fuses (30 Amp) are not allowed any more. Every time I find them, they are utilizing 12 gauge wire (overfused).
Not only that...I see too many 20 Amp fuses. Where are the fifteens? This is a clear indication that these fuses are tripping all the time. Just look at those nice, shiny, brand new fuses, and you tell me that the homeowner is not replacing these fuses on a weekly basis. Please...
That's why I said "have an Electrician upgrade panel to circuit breakers". Preferably 100/200 Amps.