“O’ My God your living in this house?” Are you CRAZY it can collapse at any minute. What you just had it inspected? That guy knows NOTHING! Home Inspectors suck they have no idea what they are doing, I personally would sue the Home Inspector, but hey, that’s just me.
I have been doing roofing for 1,456,876 years and this is one of the worst roofs I have ever seen. You can’t really see the damage, but a trained professional such as myself can see much more than the typical non-roofer.
Since you got ripped off by this “Home Inspector” and I feel sorry for you, my typical price is $68,942 for a new roof, but since your in this situation I can make it $4,285 if you sign the agreement right here and NOW!
My huge business is super busy…wait, I happen to have a small gap in my schedule can start tomorrow. All I need is 1/2 down and we can get started ASAP!..
Close. I inspected this house 3 weeks ago. Today my client received a call from her (new) insurance agent saying “they had a report come back from their inspector saying that the majority of the shingles on the roof were curling”.
I feel the same as you it was/is in acceptable condition for a 7-10 year old roof.
Close. I inspected this house 3 weeks ago. Today my client received a call from her (new) insurance agent saying “they had a report come back from their inspector saying that the majority of the shingles on the roof were curling”.
I feel the same as you it was/is in acceptable condition for a 7-10 year old roof.
The pictures with the close up of the chimney and vent pipe show more curling than the other pictures. It looks like an over laid shingle job to me where they didn’t seal well. Maybe, inadequate ventilation adds to the aging with the blister rash starting. My concern would be that they would age faster than they normally would on a nice hard flat surface. But, all-in-all, the curling seems minor now.
The curling is minor, but there may be a problem with adhesion. Still looks like they are at half life. I would have a much bigger problem with amateur patching work.
I want to thank Everyone for your professional opinion, much appreciated.
I stopped by this house yesterday to see if anything may have changed, regarding curling. We had a pretty bad high wind storm pass through about a week after the inspection.
Nothing had changed. Here are a few “new” photos. My client had already switched insurance companies before I sent these to here. IMO their inspector cost them a new client. He reported “the majority of the shingles on the roof were curling”
Shingle quality issue. Like George, I’m betting they were not bonded well. The asphalt toward the edges of the shingles (most exposed to weather) are losing volatile oils and shrinking faster than asphalt toward the middle, causing that slight curl. It’s not a defect, although shingle bonding is the number one most important factor in wind resistance. It’s what can happen when you buy cheap shingles. They’re not curling much, and the manufacturer is not going to give them any relief. Not a big deal.