Does water run uphill;) What is going on here had a kitchen sink cabinet and two bathroom lavatory cabinets with the crazy feathered looking images where the water lines were in the wall on all three cabinets.
If it were moisture, wouldn’t it be on the base of the cabinet as well as the back?
Could that be cold air coming up from the base of the cabinet? Is there a crawlspace or basement beneath, or a cabinet supply vent at the toe kick? That really doesn’t look like a moisture type of pattern. JMO
Good thinking yes there were Toe boards under all cabinets and they were leaking air at the back baseboard. I just throwed the water thought in there to confuse
Good pics!
This is why we always follow up with other test equipment before opening our mouths, right Charlie?
Please, give us all the information you have (which should be more that you have provided). No real, professional interpretatation can be be done just with thermal imaging.
My two cents:
if this is an internal wall, wicking of moisture up the wall.
if and external wall, could be wicking and could be water infiltration.
Hope this helps; (Now, bring on the reds, you idiots, but take a class, so that you can learn). :mrgreen:
Not so sure about the other idiots, but this idiot did take a class to learn and learned that by looking at those photos it doesn’t seem to be water/moisture.
Just my two cents, from an idiot. Charley and Dave are educated/trained in IR, so obviously that means I’m the idiot (even though I took a class) :mrgreen:
No slam intended. If you have taken the courses (level I, II, building science) you should know.
My only objection to these posts is that the poster has more information that is posted (and any trained thermographer would do) but does not post all the info.
Sorry for any misunderstanding.
We have a lot of guys, in this area, who buy the camera but never take the required (if you want to do it right!) education.
Hope this helps;
Just stick with me I have had PHD’s in class before does not bother me if it does not bother you:D I showed the bottom of the cabinets where the toe boards grills were installed and Brian nailed it. I thought it was pretty simple the air was making the feathered look at the bottom board in the cabinet.
I just removed the images we won’t have to worry about them anymore
Charley. Please understand. No offense intended.
You post IR images. Fine. But every trained thermographer learns to go with more than just the image. Temp readings (as with the A/C example) moisture readings (as with this example).
If you try to make a call, just on the IR image, you are not doing it right.
Not about PhDs or elitism or all that carp. Just about doing best practices and using all the information that you can collect.
Sorry if I have offended. That was not my intention.
I just do not want those who just bought their cameras and have not taken any training to assume that it is just about the image.
My mistake.
Thanks for the call, Charley. Greatly appreciated.
Your a good man.
Keep on keeping on. We all need more HVAC help.
Will, I agree with “not enough information” being given in a great many IR questions posted, but in this case (as we know Charlie) this is a brain teaser!
Maybe should be posted that way Charlie.
It is good to not know all the information at first sometimes as it makes us look closer into the scan. Often there are anomalies inside anomalies! We should not be offended if we see it wrong when there is no info to go along with the scan.
As Will said, you can’t just look at a scan and “know”.
There are pages of information needed to evaluate a scan.
So for those that are here asking for real, make sure you gather and post all the information you have.
It tends to get me frustrated also.
Put those pic’s back!
If that is air, we need to see the difference. When you find cold spots under a plumbing fixture, “moisture” is the first thing that comes to mind. This may not always be the case.
I find loose air in all too many cases (new construction).
I think the pictures Charley posts, and I know the ones I have posted, are meant to be brain teasers or simple sharing of knowledge/experence, not “what is this picture so I can tell my client” questions.
Certainly as David said, if that is the case it should be clearly stated with all pertinent information given. Even then it probably isn’t the most effective way to find that out.
Those of us who are experienced with IR know that a lot of the things you see with IR are not problems. Secondary investigation, deductive reasoning, heat transfer knowledge, home construction knowledge and testing is ALWAYS needed.
I do think there is some value to sharing our photos and discussing them. If everyone will view it as sharing information and experience and not assume they know more or talk down to each other (honestly not refering to anyone in particular.) It has been repeatedly discussed that significant training is needed to effective use this technology, it probably doesn’t need to be restated everytime a picture is posted. If someone is out there using a camera without the proper training, that is their personal choice and nothing we say is going to keep them from doing that and dealing with the problems it will eventually cause them.
I say, keep the pictures and discussion coming Charley.
Scans that show the normal state of the object are more important than the defects! Having a baseline scan to compare with is paramount to determining the severity of the issue.
I gave John M. some of these types of scans that I had been collecting in his Nashville class. I about got my head lopped off by a Home Inspector when I showed a pool pump motor scan that failed a week later and then a digital of the internal windings of the motor! Thinking I dismantle motors during IR Inspection, the poor guy almost had a seizure!
Dang… I’m glad I didn’t screw up by believing everything Charley said and posted about IR.
Oh well, at least now I know. From now on I will only believe everything Decker states about IR, and only believe info Charley posts about AC.:twisted: :twisted:
Charley, please don’t change the way you teach, it makes anyone who knows your style, use their brains, because we know, you are not going to just give us the answer to a problem you solved, right off the bat. Thank you, Ken