I was recently inspecting a garage of a 40 year old home. The sill plate was visible. It did not appear to be press treated lumber, but it didn’t seem to be in bad shape either. Did they use to use pine tar lumber on sill plates against concrete?
well here we used a homasote type 1/2’ thick board and regular 2x sill material cause we were waaaaay ahead of You guys…just sayin…called it a termite board by the way…
just for you young guys Marcel…the homesote board sat below the sill and was supposed to be a bad taste for termites and other wood eating critters…and turn them around back to the dirt where they came from…of course they eventually came up with treated lumber and this was no longer necessary…shortly after this they invented fire…
OBSERVATION. Sill plate was not treated.
No deficiencies.
NOTE: Pressure treated lumber may not have been required when the house was built. We recommend to the buyer observe the component yearly.
It is recommended that maintenance involves yearly observation.
by taking photographs of components system and structure may allow any homeowner too better understand that component and be prepared for the likelihood of maintenance and repairs.
This tip was brought to you courtesy of Montreal Home Inspection Services. Inc.
Remember, “Being forewarned is being forearmed.”