Software for Commercial inspections

what is the unit that is at the left side of the picture

Is that a software question?

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Probably an autocorrect from “hardware” to software. I have never seen it so I can only guess. Maybe a boiler of some kind? @mwilles seen anything like this?

Well, it has fuel (oil or gas), water lines, and a flue.

What did you observe while you were there?

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Thomas the OP picture is too far away and he has given no information except for a sub par photograph. If you want help you need to provide information.

It’s looks like a boiler I just don’t know what the fuel is. That door on the side almost makes me think it’s wood or coal fired.


Welcome to InterNACHI forum community, Peter.
Have any images covering different angles? Is that an oil burner at the base of what looks like a boiler? I can not enlarge the image.
Might be a operational boiler for a circulation loop left in place after a building upgrade.
Typically labels are great shots for information.

Commercial Inspection Software? HIP/CD.

I agree. Maybe 1 is old an obsolete and 2 is newer


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I agree. 2 boilers with same infrastructure which ever fuel is cheaper you use.

Could even be coal-fired. Probably a steam boiler, originally.