Originally Posted By: dbush This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Gary Johnson, Dan Frend and Myself manned the booth for the first day of the expo today. We were fairly busy and met inspectors from all over the US. Several told us, yeah we look for NACHI members, several told us we will look for NACHI members, and a few told us, what is a NACHI member.
Understand the booth does look better than in the picture, I had to downsize the picture quite a bit to get it on the website. We are going to get some new signage for the booth.
I will keep everyone informed of the progress of the expo as it goes. Several people's names have been mentioned by realtors today.
Originally Posted By: dbowers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Dave - I just got wind a TV station in the KC area is lining up a sting operation against HI’s. Probably similar to the Detroit job 2 months ago.
Would appreciate it if you'd email or ????? the locals to alert them to be on the lookout for something that looks or feels wierd over the next 2-3 weeks.
Originally Posted By: ktrice This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hey just wanted to say I think it is great the NACHI is getting out there and going to the trade show’s like this. I look forward to the realtor convention that will be here in September. Keep up the good work guy’s.