Originally Posted By: dbush This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have just reserved a booth for the Florida Association of Realtors Tradeshow and Expo conference at the Orlando Renaissance Resort for August 19th and 20th. I will be there for both days, and I would appreciate if any of our Fla inspectors can take shifts to help me. It is a great chance for interaction and marketing. Please email me @ membership@nachi.org if you can attend
Originally Posted By: dfrend This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I am looking at some booth displays that Nick has indicated he may pay for. We hope to have one for the NAR convention next month. From there, if we get it, it can be shipped out to any other shows NACHI goes to.
Originally Posted By: dbush This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Dan, I agree. I already have one in the works that I will keep with me for all the State Conferences that I will be going to. It should have some display area for the www.findaninspector.us as well as a white area for display of the av power point presentation that I will keep with me during my travels. If there is a meeting that for some reason I cannot attend, we will figure out how to get it there.