Student Discussion: How to Inspect the Attic, Insulation, Ventilation & Interior Course

This thread is dedicated exclusively to those students currently enrolled in InterNACHI’s free, online “How to Inspect the Attic, Insulation, Ventilation and Interior Course” located at

Students are free to ask questions, post comments, join the discussion, share writing essays, and research and study posts of other students.

The thread will be monitored by the course instructor according to our guidelines.


No questions at this time

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I’m ready to dive in! Let’s do this!

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Is anyone else currently taking this course? What are some things you like about the information within, or some challenges?

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I learned a few new things taking this course and reinforced my understanding of some other things like dew point. When the temp of the dew pint is reached, condensation forms by the air molecules squeezing together and releasing the water they are carrying. Pretty cool


Great to hear, @dbarr6. Thanks for posting your comments.

I think you can always learn something new when completing these. For me, I gained some refreshers on garage doors and the things to check when inspecting them.

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The greatest tool for me has been watching YouTube videos that correspond with the lessons. I am a visual learner. I am grateful for all of the lessons with video playback. This is helpful for visual learners like myself.


Joseph, I found the formatting of the course, the videos and the repetition within different topics covered are extremely helpful.

I have been enjoying every course so far.

This is a very nice refresher course! Thanks!!

And away we go…

Starting the course. I have no comment at this time.

Hi All. My Name is Sammy from Calgary Alberta Canada. I am new here and just wanted to introduce myself. Cheers all.

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Learning about moisture in the attic (and home) today and ways to control it!

Just starting this course. Is there any area that anyone had a difficult time with?

This course gave me the knowledge I never imagined I had. I. An actually understand what R-Value is need in an attic space. Keep up the great work. Bad contractors watch out, an Internachi certified home inspector is coming.

Beginning this course today. Just one more course after this one. Tennessee is getting ready to have a new inspector in town.

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I guess I’ll start by saying hello. I took a course “AHIT” a few years ago in Southern California. Within two years, I relocated to North Idaho and homes as well as life is very different here. I joined NACHI because it came very highly recommended and after using it, I can see why. There is so much to learn here.
I hope this is a good question to start with but am I going to be able to retain all the information in each of these teaching modules or do you remember by just going out and conducting inspections? Prior to leaving California, I had friends let me do inspections on their homes and it was very educational for me. When does one feel its time to go out and market myself as a certified Inspector?
I’ve inspected attics as a Roofing sales person but that was over 10 years ago and I wasn’t looking at the same features as I would in a home inspection. Is there a good rule of thumb to help me remember what to look for?

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Does InterNACHI have an infrared camera they recommend? Or does anyone else have a recommendation?