You will see more of those in North Georgia where I am located rather than Mid or South GA. We tend to have colder temps and can experience a few sub freezing days in a row here. Where are located in GA?
Spent a few years there getting my degree from UGA. The climate in Athens is one where you won’t find too many sub freezing days in a row, however it with get cold there. Probably won’t see too many in that area but at least you know what they are when you do see them.
BTW- Welcome!! These forums are a great place to learn from and don’t be shy to ask questions that you are unsure of. You might get some curt responses, but you’ll get used to those and most here are willing to help and guide you along during the ‘learning curve’.
In Denver, I constantly see these things. Not needed on frost-proof bibs. Worthless when they do not seal against the wall. For instance, I often see the bib on the edge of the siding plank. These things cannot seal over the lap of the siding plank where there is a sizeable air gap on the edge. Then…it is pretty hard to believe that these things can protect a faucet as temps dip below zero and settle in around minus ten to twenty. Ditto for wrapping the sprinkler backflow preventer in a towel and plastic bag.
That’s funny, I am in the north in a cold climate where the temps can get below zero, and I have an old school sillcock on the north side of my house, and I have never had a freeze problem, and no I do not use the sillcock freeze protector.
It has been there for 38 years and has never froze.
I have a “frost free” bib on the north side of my house also. It’s sloped the wrong way and the sucker freezes up every year since it can’t drain fully. I’ve tried those worthless covers and you’re right, the gap from the lap siding doesn’t seal. Besides my dogs always think it’s a chew toy and inevitably will find them in pieces around the yard.
Pretty handy device to cap the winterization of any garden/outdoor water faucet. Yes! You recommend the use of antifreeze exterior facets with a long stem and always close the internal valve in late September/October and empty the residual water in the garden faucet…. then you place this cone to add an extra layer of insulation keeping the extreme cold temperatures away from direct contact. Fir a few bucks ($), a huge peace of mind.