New construction. Justin as title says, As title says, a sub can’t be located inside a laundry closet which is inside the bathroom, correct? TIA.
What were they thinking? OH, they weren’t.
That panel needs to be turned around and face into the hall area.
Is this the panel from the other thread?
Is that a manufactured home?
Looks like there would not be enough front clearance with the wall.
There’s a toilet on the other side of that wall.
That’s why it look so narrow. Thanks, I did not see the edge of that bowl the first time.
Yeah, noticed that, too.
They are going to have their work cut out for them.
Just inspect the panel and move on. I would.
Along with the other comments, if the laundry equipment was installed the workspace is now compromised and noncompliant.
…not to mention the shelf in the work space area of the panel board.
The required width may be there. Small win considering the other stuff.
Jeez, if that’s the same “New construction” as the other electrical thread you started, I would be recommending to my client that they verify the occupancy permit was signed off.
That is for sure…very small win, if it is there.
OK now I see it. Time to throw in a grenade and start over.
Is the panel really in the bathroom?
Yes, read the title
The OP says that it is but it doesn’t really matter because it’s in a closet with shelving and a place to hang clothes which is a violation in itself, not to mention it will have a washer or dryer in front of it.
Please show me somewhere the laundry room is NOW non complaint .OK!