This is my first time seeing what I’d call a sump cistern. It looks like a well with a sump pump. The washing machine discharges into this well which is then pumped up to the waste plumbing above. The house is on a septic, not sewer, and a recent bill by the seller showed the septic was cleaned out from the 2nd lid, no digging. The invoice shows everything was ok.
There’s been some handyman work (duct tape) applied and when I tried to test the pump the whole pipe leading up to the waste drain was loose and it started leaking at the duct tape. Sewage smell was apparent and the water at the bottom of the sump basin didn’t look good. Aside from needing the pipe to be fixed, is it permissible to drain a clothes washer into a sump? I didn’t see anything in the code check. I’m thinking the backflow valve may be inoperative and is allowing “stuff” to flow back to the sump, hence the smell. My plan is to document everything and recommend a qualified plumber, but I could use a little education for my own edification.
There’s a mouth full!
I hate to be writing your report.
Clothes Washer discharges into the sump pit gray water line are prohibited in many jurisdictions.
Missing Stand Pipe.
Poor Clothes Washer discharge pipe support.
No check valve. Wrong check valve type.
Oxidized/Rust/Corroded sump pump discharge DWV fitting.
Inaporperate/amatuer backwater valve fitting.
Suspect Prior leaking at backwater valve fitting.
Poor Washer discharge plumbing.
You can cut down on referrals and reporting time by saying (Serviceable) Lol!!!
The washer should discharge into a proper sewer pit (sealed unit) with pump that discharge into the septic.
Sewage Ejector Pump… AKA… Lift Station
Yeah, I hate to be writing this report too, not for all the problems, but for how it came about. I picked up the inspection early this morning from a fellow inspector. He was having shoulder problems and asked if I could work it in. He’s a good guy so I said sure, why not. I’d rather pick it up because he was swamped with business, not because he’s injured.
I’m not sure how the city ordinance would read in this particular situation. I may just say that it’s prohibited in many jurisdictions and refer to the local municipality. There’s got to be at least 10 municipalities in a 7 mile radius. Thanks for the tip!
You got work and helped a fellow inspector. Good for you.
Work is work.
Best of luck with your endeavors!
I concur, but a stand pipe comes to mind before any lifting is involved.
Hey Marcel, Thanks for the info. Can I incorporate your image into future reports?
It`s not mine to give.
double trap?
Also, the ejector pump line should go over the sewer line level so there is no backups into the ejector
Not sure about the other stuff you’re asking about, but…the invoice said everything was “o.k.” with the entire septic system from just a tank pumping
I hope you still always recommend a proper septic inspection, despite any invoices from a tank pumping that say everything is good.