Want to add termite inspections to my title. Any help on where to go or some where to take online??? Live in PA so please no suggestions to classes offered in places like Texas. Thanks I went to AHIT for schooling but there termite they offer is like a year long home study coarse that the college of Predue offers.
I also live and inspect in PA. I have been having a difficult time finding out what I need to do in order to preform termite inspections along with my general home inspection. I have concluded that you must be certified in PA by the PA Dept of Agriculture by studying for, taking and passing two test. The Core exam and the Wood Destroying Insects exam.
Study guides are around $30 each and the test are $10 and $50.
My question is this, is this the only way? Have all Home Inspectors in PA done this?
Termite Inspection is a licensed Business activity in PA
You need to Order the Core and category 12 packets
Exams are available at various locations throughout the State on a Weekly to Monthly basis.
You will need to obtain an Applicator License as well as a Business License.
General Liability Insurance has to include coverage for application of chemical.
Businesses must meet the requirements for comprehensive general liability insurance coverage for pesticide applications. A minimum of $200,000 coverage is required. This must include $100,000 coverage for bodily injury and $100,000 coverage for property damage per occurrence. Coverage must include a statement that pesticide applications are included, or endorsement #CG26160194 or #CG26160798