termite inspection- by a home inspector

Originally Posted By: Carey Alan Hofer
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I’ve been a home inspector for 7-8 years now and am on the verge of doing termite inspections. I took the Purdue course for my training. When I see possible WDI damage during my home inspections I say: “evidence of WDI, recommend further evaluation by a licensed qualified pest control Co.”. Now that I’m going to be doing them seperately from a home inspection, would my comment remain the same or not? How do you home inspectors that also do WDI inspections comment?

P.S. Does NACHI offer any help with WDI inspection, (training, forms, tech support etc.) ? I just feel a little uncomfortable starting out, even though I have training. I would have liked to do some with an experienced Pest Control guy, but who wants to train their competition?

Carey Hofer
Heartland Home Inspection
Sioux Falls, SD