Originally Posted By: kluce This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I was inspecting a garage today. At the cracks I found a lot of sand with tubes following the cracks. I was able to pick up one of the tubes and found it was made up of sand and miscellaneous fibers which held the tub together. I broke it apart and didn’t see or feel any moisture. I moved the sand around and didn’t see any signs of what created these tubes. I of course checked the garage and house carefully and couldn’t find anything else that would lead me to believe there was any wood destroying insects.
I'm not sure what else would create these tubs.
The tubs were about a foot long with branches that went out about 6 inches. These tubes were located on top of the sand. The sand was about 1/8 thick.
Can anyone tell me what could have made these tubes.
Sorry, I took a picture but it blends in too much. No help there.
I have found a lot of houses in this area that has termites, tubes and damage. I have not come across a tube that looks like this plus there was no other signs (besides what was on the garage floor) or damage that was found.
Originally Posted By: kluce This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
On the garage floor. The owner hasn’t lived there for a month. One area had about a hand full of sand with the tubes - That’s what you see in the picture. The second area was about twice as much sand with twice as many tubes branching off. Between the two piles of sand was one tube that followed the crack in the floor.
It doesn't look like termite tubes I've seen before and that is why I'm questioning it.
Originally Posted By: kluce This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I agree about the debris. The sand at both places had very little debris but the tubes showed different. The tube that followed the crack in garage floor to both sandy areas also had a lot of debris with it. Termites take the soil that is around and build up to protect themselves.
The buyer was with me and was also wondering what could cause this. I would like to know so I could give her an answer. Just never seen this before.