Originally Posted By: Webmaster This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
This is a ‘dummy’ post that you can use to test out the message board. Want to use BBCode? Try it here. Check out hte image function, or the list function, or whatever you want.
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I can't get the lettering to change colors. Anyways...here is a good pic...http://www.nachi.org/bbsystem/usrimages/wood damage Carpenter Ants.jpg
Does anyone have pics of termite damage?
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Take out the [IMG] tags at both ends of the post. Etiquette is dictating that you do not post the image because those with slower connections take forever to load the post. If you take out the [IMG] tags it will leave the link to the pic without actually loading the pic when they view the post.
Don't worry you will get it right, it just takes a little understanding of how HTML works.
BTW....it did not work because there were spaces between the words "wood" and "damage". There were also spaces between the words "carpenter" and "ants". When you place the image on the server you need to take out the spaces other wise you are breaking the link that HTML uses to post the image.
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Did you take a look at the link for the picture I posted above. I must not have explained it very well. You still have a space in the link. Since you posted the link with spaces to the server you need to fill in those spaces with "%".
When you are uploading the picture to the server be sure you take out all the spaces between the words. Go back and upload the link again, this time without all the spaces, it will work fine. ![icon_biggrin.gif](upload://iKNGSw3qcRIEmXySa8gItY6Gczg.gif)
When it asks you to add the link to the post click yes. After the link is in the post you can backspace to erase the [IMG] tags at both ends of the link so it does not load when someone views the link.
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
No you are not image illiterate. You just needed to place a space before and after the link! ![icon_biggrin.gif](upload://iKNGSw3qcRIEmXySa8gItY6Gczg.gif)
You have, lets try again.....http://www.nachi....etc