The COE Revision You Asked For Nick!

Jeffery !
Nice inspection vehicle.
Same fetish as the rest.

Because there are some things going on that are simply wrong, and extremely damaging to the profession. That is if you even care to be looked and thought of as a True, Ethical/Professional Home Inspector. Now if that is not what you want people to think of you as, well keep on being a sheep.


Does anyone think Roy has any idea what a fetish is?

Roy doesn’t give a **** as long as he earns enough for beer money every month!

The inspection industry was here before all that and did well.
It will be here after all this is gone.
I don’t sell nothing other than inspections.
The rest just causes me more paperwork.

Now you’re talking !

OK so then why do you continue to argue with those of us that are tryiong to keep the industry that way? and keep all these snake oil vendors from taking over or at a minimum giving allof us and that means YOU included a tarnished reputation? you need to see what they are doing, anfd be with us my man. We mean no harm to any inspector, we just want to preserver the professions good name and all of our reputations as Ethical Professionals.



I spent many, many years building my reputation, which included doing my part to elevate the Inspection industry in my area. I’ll be damned if I let some SCUMBAG vendor walk-in and f*ck-it all up because of his (IMO) greedy scumbag tactics!

Ethical Professionals do not need someone to hold their hand.
I will never screw anyone out of the value of anything. Period!

You can tell , have them sign and still some will do otherwise.

And here is the scum bag vendor right on cue.

Are you seriously tell me that even if the ethics is not to your liking, you would change who you are ?
I would hope not.
To me it is meaningless ,
I will provide the foremost ethical business practices .
With or without NACHI consent.

Do you actually read what anyone writes, or do you always just “scan and jump to conclusions” of what you ‘think’ you read?

Can you not see that the noble goal of providing the foremost ethical business practices is inconsistent with supporting the ethical standing of a vendor who trades in the personal data of home inspector clients? How do resolve these two diverse opinions you seem to hold?

Roy you just don’t get it. You sound like a decent guy, you don’t use gimmicks to get customers, you don’t sell your clients private info to scul salesmen. But you are not seeing the big picture, these scumbags are trying to make big loot of Home Inspectors, and could care less about the longevity and reputation of anyone of us or the profession as a whole.

When you go sell an inspection based on your skills, reputation and all the other great stuff you can do for your clients, why would you want them asking you if you are unethical, and sell their info, or anything else unscrupulous like that? you wouldn’t. And that my friend is the point.


What insult Liar ?? I gave a command to “Shove it”. No insult.
And the suggestion applies to you as well.


Jeff you are not alone bro !!


James client trust is what you get over time.