I was running late for work, I was driving south on RT 208 and there’s a point on that road where there’s a downhill curve and you get a view of the Manhattan skyline.
I was almost to that spot, I heard Howard Stern say “I just heard an airplane hit one of the towers”. He then went on an joked a bit about the guy drinking or something, I don’t recall exactly.
I round the curve and see what looks like an enormous smokestack and thinking that was no small plane!
I got to work, a few minutes later, one of the mechanics was saying “They hit us again! It’s an attack, we’re under attack!!”
Not long after the CEO told us “go do what you need to do, you can stay, go, whatever you need to do.” She(the CEO) also had this ex-military consultant there(unrelated to any tragedy, just happened to be there), tell us that Manhattan would probably be emptying out in the next few days. Go stock up on food if you haven’t already and avoid bridges, tunnels and anything near Manhattan. If you plan to leave Jersey, go north through NY, well west of the city, Bridges may be the next targets, avoid all the big ones.
I went home to my town up in the mountains, 40 miles away. As I was driving back well in excess of the posted speed limit, cops were passing me, at 100+ in the other direction.
The town I lived in is on top of a mountain and there are 3 roads in and out. K-rails appeared on the side each road the next day and were there for at least 6 months. One would assume they were put there in case the zombie hordes started migrating west.
It was a very strange day. I spent the next few days splitting firewood, laying in supplies.