The InterNACHI Narrative Library Spectora template is now available!

Learn more about it and buy it here!

It’s not quite available through Inspector Outlet yet, but you can buy it directly from my website using the link above.


Congrats on getting it done. I know you put a lot of work into it.

Thanks Chuck! It took a year. The mobile version has live links to about 40,000 words of reference pages.


Can I use this for North Carolina DDID? Thanks

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It’s a huge collection of highly organized inspection comments, Charles. You can use them in any way you want.
You can choose them one by one to include them in your reports, or if you’re using one of the software programs for which I have digital templates (Home Inspector Pro, HomeGauge, EZ Inspect, or Spectacular, you’ll have about 7,500 comments to choose from as soon as you open the software and choose my template.

Hi Kenton, I’m a new home inspector. Haven’t done my first inspection yet. I need to purchase software I’m considering spectora. I’ve spoken with a couple inspectors who’ve all said the same. Basically; There’s a lot of unnecessary things the higher end software does, such as billing clients for you, setting your appointments, etc. things they say, I can easily do on my own. They all agree its a good software. But, they also say it can be a little overwhelming if I’ve never used inspection software before. Which I haven’t. I will eventually get a higher end software. But do you think I should start with software a little less sophisticated than spectora. Beings how I’m already on a learning curve? Thank you Sir.

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Everyone I know who uses Spectora is happy with it (as long as their internet is fast enough and their device is sophisticated enough) and that includes long-time inspectors who switched from other major software. It’s true that it does a number of things that you can do yourself, but once you become busy, you won’t want to, and then you’ll have to find the time to learn how to use those features. Look carefully at Spectora’s list of features. It will take you a while to learn how to fully take advantage of what they have to offer. Other high-end software offers similar features for a reason; they all developed these features because there were repeated requests for them. These features make inspectors money. Learning to use your software really well is of prime importance and takes time, but Spectora is not so complicated that you can’t use it right away with a little practice. There’s a lot to do, and you’ll appear way more professional if things happen automatically using those streamlining features than if you have to stop and do them all yourself.

You might want to read my article on Choosing Inspection Software. It covers the things you should consider when choosing software and contains links to a number of different companies. Inspectors tend to stick with what they buy first, so my advice is to buy the best software you can afford right from the start. You need to take your time in choosing. I’m sure you’re anxious to get started but this is an important decision!

FYI, I don’t really promote individual inspection software but on my website I try to give some basics so that those who are trying to choose will have a way to get started in comparing. I don’t make any money from any of these companies when someone buys their software.

You might also check out the Reference section in the menu of my website. I’ll be building it out more and adding photos, but there’s a lot of information there now.

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Thanks Kenton, reading the article next. have a nice day.

Hi Kenton
I just purchased your Reference Library a few weeks back from Inspector Outlet. I have been planning on getting them into my Spectera template but was not looking forward to the week of copy & paste. I just stumbled onto this thread and it has got me wondering If I can exchange or upgrade to the Spectora version?

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I’m about to purchase this also. I’m assuming you’re talking about copy/pasting each individual narrative into Spectora? That would be exhausting if so.

Arthur, email me at, include the email address you used to sign up with Spectora and I’ll share the InterNACHI Narrative Library template for Spectora with you at no charge. It will appear ready to use as another template choice in your copy of Spectora under “My Templates”. LOTS easier than cutting and pasting one by one. That would be more than a week! :wink:

If I purchase your narrative library tomorrow am I able to acquire this offer as well?

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Generally, if someone buys The InterNACHI Narrative Library and then decides that a different format would work better for them (ex. maybe they change to a different software) I’ll provide that new format free of charge as long as I haven’t made too many revisions in the meantime. The last major revision was summer of 2018.


Yes. That offer is still in effect for now.

I would like to purchase if possible. Thank you.

Find it here, John.

Nice work, Kenton! :smile:

Thanks Larry!

Ok,thank you.

I don’t know what happened to that link in post #1 but you can buy it here.