New Inspection Software! 303-317-2499

Nathan, one post of the new software is sufficient, otherwise it seems like spam, and I hope it goes well with the new enterprise. :smile:


Hi Larry! Thanks for the reply. Nick just told us to blast it. Sorry it was spammy!

1 Like

Sample report?

1 Like (Keep in mind that the Banner is missing, as well as the agent and inspector photo’s, including the license and signatures if you want to include those. Everything you see including the color’s, layout any many other item’s are editable. You can customize it to be smaller, or even use the interactive report, which is only one page per section. You can change and manipulate anything in the software. It’s very robust!

Great now our email is getting spammed by it!

Hi Scott,

You just happened to be on the email list that was acquired for over four years. You might want to actually check it out, my agents and clients love it, and it is helping me build my business like wild fire. We also have 20 developers, and huge multi-inspection firms that everyone knows using it. They Love it as well. But that being said I can remove you from the email list if you would like. That will be no issue.



I don’t need to check it out, I’m happy with my Home Inspector Pro. Remove us from the email list. I hate spam!

That report must be over 100 pages. My clients and agents would get overwhelmed and lost reading that.

You can customize it to be smaller, or even use the interactive report, which is only one page per section. You can change and manipulate anything in the software. It’s very robust!

You got it Junior. If you ever need any help with anything,g let us know. We are also inspectors just like you so we get it.



I looked at your website. It looks like you use Homeguage, I used Homeguage for 4 years of my 9 years in the inspection business. One nice thing is that report you looked at was done and sent in front of the client.

no PDF sample? can it do dynamic comments? 20 developers :smiley: