The most dangerous electrical panel to inspectors that is.
Why is the one model more dangerous than others for the inspector?
The most dangerous electrical panel to inspectors that is.
Why is the one model more dangerous than others for the inspector?
Great video Ian!
Good job Ian, another great video!
Excellent, thank you.
Another good one, Ian!
Interesting the regional differences. I see a lot of Zinscos, but I have never seen that model.
Here in Minnesota, we rarely have panels mounted at the exterior, regardless of Manufacturer.
(For you nit-pickers… I said ‘rarely’, not ‘never’!)
As for Zinscos, they were never that popular here, either. Currently, I see maybe one or two a year, and those are in much neglected, unfinished, older home basements.
We have a lot of post WWII track housing in Southern California, and that was a popular model of panel (though certainly not the only model) used at the time.
Lots of orange groves were knocked down to make room for housing at the end of WWII.
In 11 years I think I’ve only seen one or two panels NOT mounted at the exterior. Be it brand new construction for a 130 year old home.
Which sometimes freaks people out who are moving here from other states. lol