These books (great additions to your report) are basically free in any quantity.

These books are really nice

They cost us almost $3 each but we sell them for only $1 (INCLUDING shipping).

They are heavy so that the shipping cost and handling costs on our end are about $1… what we are selling them for.

So you can buy them for not much more than the cost of shipping and handling…$1 a piece delivered to your door.

Nick sounds good, how do I get my first batch?

Instructions within

I just sent a note about this to our guys & gals, Nick. I’m hopeful they’ll see the value of these books and order a whole bunch. Got my free copy last week and it’s definitely a nice little extra. And for a buck apiece, you can’t beat it.

Thanks again for everything you and the NACHI staff do to support our members in the field. Two thumbs up, as usual.

More members should be taking advantage of this offer.

I got three hundred and these really are a great deal .
I put my name in the on the front and at the back .
A Dollar better returns the LOTO will soon need some more before they are gone
Roy Cooke